My poor neglected blog. So sad how behind I am on posts.
Anyways, here are some recent pictures of the kids playing outside. The weather is warm (hot) and so we get to play outside at least once a day. I am so thankful for our shady backyard that is still cool in the late afternoon.
The kids are still really enjoying the sandbox. This is one thing that they play really well together with. The fact that they play in there without arguing makes the sandy mess they track into the house worthwhile.
We have gotten out the play pool again. Both kids are so much bigger this year that they really don't fit in it together anymore but they still have fun.

This is Emerson giving Ashton a firm talking to about something. I wish her hair wasn't in her face so you could see her expressions. She is negotiating with him about something. And notice how he is staring off in the distance...typical boy has already learned to "listen without hearing".
This is Emy before her first swim lesson this summer. Wish I could say she was that happy at the end! That is another post all on its own.