Friday, December 3, 2010

A big first for Emerson

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, my mother-in-law treated all the girls to pedicures...including Emerson! To say that she was excited about having her toes painted would be a serious understatement. My little girly-girl was ecstatic!

The salon we went too had a special princess chair for Emy to sit in. The lights in the foot bath even changed colors! It was really kid friendly. Emy loved watching the water change colors. She gave us a running commentary on the color changes for the first 5 minutes.

so excited
watching the water change colors
can barely sit still
here is the color she picked...literally the brightest pink they had

pink toes!
thinking it is pretty special that she has pink toes
Emerson was the only one to get a manicure too:) Pretty pink fingers.
We told her to spread out her fingers and hold really still for a little while so the paint would dry nice and pretty. This is how she stayed for about 10 minutes! It was hilarious.

We had a fun time and Emerson has been showing everyone she sees her pink fingers and toes. She absolutely loved it.



bethany said...

That picture of Emerson drying her nails is so classic! What a fun girl's day!